Who Am I Exercise

Currently there is some serious cosmic movement in the area of identity. A lot of us are feeling it, and it may not be fully pleasant. This is a powerful time for this simple and profound technique to come to us! I did it and had to share it with you! Honestly, I do stuff like this everyday, and this one really moved me. Try it without reading through all of it first; I really enjoyed the surprise part. Let's do this together and then we'll talk.

You need:

15 minutes or so by yourself

Timer, I used the gong sound on my phone timer, it made it even more dramatic

A comfortable undisturbed spot

 You might want:

Meditation music, sound bath or white noise

Pen and paper

 Let's go:

Breathe in to the count of 7, feeling your lungs and belly expand, hold for the count of 4, then blow out to the count of 8 slowly through nose, or mouth as if you were blowing through a straw. Empty your lungs completely. Breathe like this 4 more times. Return to normal full relaxed breathing.

 Take about two minutes to consider, reflect and identify four core identities you find most meaningful in your life. These will be four identities that most clearly answer the question: who am I? This can be anything at all, like a basketball player or a daughter. Anything that you feel is most core about you.

Write them if you choose, if not say them in your mind or out loud.

Set the timer and start now.


Now that you have noted these four core identities, we are going to gradually, sequentially let go of each one. We'll imagine, and see what it feels like to let go of each identity that you hold so meaningful. We will start with the most peripheral, and progress to the most core.

Set the timer for one minute, and just release the least meaningful identity.

When the timer rings, set it for another minute and release the next least important identity.

When the timer rings, set it for another minute and release the next identity.

When the timer rings, set it for another minute and now release the most core part of who you are.

Sit with this:

What does it feel like to be in this space of nothing? 


We're going to do the same process in reverse. We'll re-integrate each of these pieces of who we are, starting with our most central identity.

Set the timer for 1 minute and bring back, take back, this piece. Fully embody it and feel grateful for the role it plays in your everyday life.

When the timer rings, set it for 1 minute and take back the next most central identity. Again fully embody it and feel grateful.

When the timer rings, set it for 1 minute and take back the next piece.

When the timer rings, set it for 1 minute and take back the final piece.

And now just feel yourself as a complete human being, full of all the energy and all of these important parts of who you are and what you offer.

Bazinga! This was mind bending to me. Sitting there with my nakey psyche and yet still being fully me without any of these parts that I invest every single heartbeat in, was so freeing! Peak lifetime experience for me.

It was quick and easy for me to identify the four identities, which I was concerned about when I first realized that's what was going down. Another stunner - each of these identities impacted specific parts of my body. So clearly! So now when I have pain or discomfort in an area, this may offer one more clue. I mean my toolbox is master level full, but I can always use one more.

I found this treasure on Insight Timer, which is a free app that is packed full of meditations, talks, music and even classes, (nope not sponsoring me). This wildly powerful tool was inspired by a meditation called Core Identity Exercise by Charles Freligh.

Challenge: Add a few minutes of meditation daily, there are over 100,000 free options on this app alone -everything from walking to the mailbox to binaural beats. Try it! Your brain will thank you later.